Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Daily Drawings 1

Plugging away on daily drawings. For the most part I knock these out during breaks at work. Sometimes the short time frame works for me, sometimes it works against me. Still, it feels good to say I MADE something each day (storyboards for work aside)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Comicon promises...

It's time to start the next actual hand sculpted thingy. This one's going to be just a sculpted figure on a base. No crazy illustration. But it's going to be the most detailed realistic piece I've EVER done. This comes from something I promised myself while walking the crowded halls of Comicon last year. I passed by a both and saw this:

It was so detailed, so perfect. A master sculpted this. I wondered if I could do something like it. "No!" I said to myself. "I'm going to do this!" I promised right then and there I would do a super detailed realistic sculpture. The title of this piece is "Queen of the Dead".

Here's the first set of sketches for her:

Of course I like the top right hand one the most. The curly circle-y things atop her crown are eyeballs and coins. I want the crown to be topped with various antlers and horns. Not rams horns though. That's been done to death. I Googled 'queen of hell' and 'queen of death'. Everything that's been done is pretty lame with a few and far between exceptions. Mostly people illustrate a beautiful busty woman with some revealing black skin tight outfit and a couple of spiky accents. BAH! I say to that! BAH!

Next step is to figure out what the hell she's doing and in what pose. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

To hell with Minecraft! I've got ZBrush!

It took 3 weeks to create, paint and assemble all these accurate Lego pieces into this scene. I went a bit far... I even added the little Lego logo to all studs just like the real ones. 

This one scene ended up being over 9 MILLION polygon points. To put that into perspective, Santa was just a whisper above 4 million. And he had subtle skin line textures and tiny divets and dimples.

I learned how to change the background color, control the lighting (a little bit) and MOST importantly, I learned how to apply texture mapping using the Spotlight feature! All by myself!!!!!